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Youth for Human Rights International 2nd Annual Youth Summit Delegate Profile: Australia

September 27, 2005

Youth for Human Rights Summit

Tara Fitzpatrick
Youth for Human Rights Summit

Twenty-year-old Tara Fitzpatrick has spent the last five years working to promote human rights, speaking in schools and other public forums. She has been featured in the Australian national magazine, Dolly, and other media, speaking out about her passion to help youth know their rights and lead happier lives.

Ms. Fitzpatrick stated “Unfortunately many people are not even aware that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights exists. This means that important information is not known and nothing is done about it. At this summit, I plan to network with youth who have worked on human rights activities and take home with me much needed information so that this can be launched in my area. I want young Australians to be informed of the Universal Declaration. I feel that I can create a large public awareness campaign on this subject in Australia.”

Young leaders from 30 countries arrive in Los Angeles this week to participate in the 2nd annual Youth for Human Rights International Summit, which takes place this year at Jordan High School in Los Angeles. The summit has been co-organized by Jordan High School and Youth for Human Rights International. It is being held October 1-3, 2005.

Youth for Human Rights International - 2005 Summit

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